Monday, November 23, 2009

Inspired Again…

It’s true what they say about good art, art that comes from the heart can’t be rushed.  It has to present itself at just the right time in just the right way.  I suppose that’s partially how the term starving artist came to be, it’s not like everyday an artist can clock in, sit down at a desk, produce beautiful art, clock out at 5 and then collect a pay check at week’s end.

I would like to classify myself as an artist, problem is I am passionate about many things, so it’s very difficult for me to sustain my focus into one or even a couple of things.  So I’ve surrendered to that and have decided to do the work when I feel most inspired. 

One thing I have dabbled in for quite a few years now is jewelry making.  I love it but have lacked the time and inspiration in the past few months. 

This is the last piece I made (Summer ‘09) (excuse the picture, this was taken with my phone!).  I called it ‘Lila’s Eyes’ because of the blue colored stones in it (which then became the idea for the name of Lila’s Eyes Blog…)..  It’s nothing like the new stuff below that is the cause for my revived inspiration, but it’s fun and modern with a mind of it’s own (kind of like Lila now that I think of it!!!)

lilaseyes necklace 

So last Sunday I became energized again.  Remember when the flight attendant took Lila and walked her down the aisle to give me a break??  I took that time to sweep through the Nov. issue of  In Style Magazine (one of my favorite pastimes that I haven’t had the luxury to indulge in in a long time!) and was inspired by some amazing fresh jewelry by SID VINTAGE.  The thing I love most about this stuff is that there are no rules to it.  It’s daring and fun with a tough yet feminine edge to it.  It’s perfectly cluttered!  I cannot wait to get home and start designing my own ‘cluttered’ collection…stay tuned!  Hopefully I can find my craft table under the pile of dust and mail that has somehow found a home on it!!

My inspiration came from this In Style Nov. ‘09 issue:


Here is some other great SID VINTAGE stuff:



Have a great week!

Jill xxxooo

1 comment:

  1. Great news for me! Still loving my necklace you gave me last year. And still hoping you can make me that Kate Spade piece. I will be your #1 customer! You are a fantastic artist Jilly and I love you! XOXO -S
